Uniga Commemorates Independence Day at the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony

As one of the annual routine activities to commemorate the services of the heroes who fought for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Gajayana University Malang held the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony on the campus grounds. The ceremony, which was held in order to increase feelings of love for the country, was attended by the entire Uniga academic community, (17/8).

Apart from increasing the spirit of reform, the Flag Ceremony is also interpreted as a milestone in increasing innovation and university development in various aspects. This is in line with what was conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

“Indonesian independence is the fruit of a movement towards one common goal. Likewise with the ideals of advancing education and culture that we must strive for together with a spirit of mutual cooperation," said the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, BA, MBA, in the address of the Chancellor of Gajayana University Malang.

Commemorating Independence Day through this ceremony also makes us aware of valuable lessons in the struggle for national independence, including the importance of commitment in every struggle undertaken to achieve our goals.

"In accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology for the development of advanced and developing universities, of course we are doing many things, one of which is increasing the accreditation of study programs and university institutions," said the Chancellor of Uniga, Prof. Dr. Ernani Hadiyati, SE, MS

Not only that, Prof. Erna also explained her hopes and targets for developing the University. Especially in the realm of increasing the credibility of the University, namely producing quality graduates according to student aspirations.



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